Pourato is the Ministry of Education's resourcing system for schools | kura. You can view funding and staffing entitlements online and be confident that you’ve got the latest information.
Pourato makes it fast and easy to view and track changes to your resourcing information.
Meaning of Pourato
The name Pourato is made from two parts:
Pou - which means to direct, guide or support, and
Rato - meaning to provide, service or distribute
The name reflects the purpose of the system, which is ensuring education providers have all the resources they need, delivered in the most effective way, so they can focus on helping children thrive.
Introduction to Pourato Videos
Kia orā, ngā mihi mōu i tahuri mai ki te mātaki i tēnei ataata.
Ko te ingoa o te taupānga tuihono hou ka hora i ngā whāinganga rauemi whakahaere ki ngā kura, ko Pourato.
Mā Pourato e hora tētahi tirohanga tuihono, wā-tūturu, tomokanga ngāwari mō ō āheinga pūtea, kāhui kaimahi hoki.
Ka taea e koe te urutomo ki Pourato mā te whakamahi i tō Education Sector Login.
Ka whakamahi koe i te pae whakatere hei tiro ki ō whakawhiwhinga.
Kia oti rā anō ō whakawhiwhinga te whakaae, ka whiwhi whakamōhiotanga īmēra koe.
Ka kite koe i te tūnga me ngā hua ō tono kaimahi, pūtea hoki.
Ka kite hoki koe i tō rārangi ākonga tārewa.
Ka āta kitea e koe he whakarāpopototanga o ō kaimahi, e mōhiotia nei ko tō tokoiti i whakaritea mō te taha whiwhinga pūtea (guaranteed-minimum formula).
Ka kitea hoki ngā kaimahi me ngā matapae mō ngā whiwhinga moni whakahaere mō te tau, me te whakaritenga U (U grade).
Kia haere ki te mata kaimahi, ka kitea e koe ō āheinga kaimahi mō te wā utunga.
Ka taea te tirotiro ki ētahi atu taipitopito i konei:
Ka whakahoutia haeretia ō whiwhinga kaimahi, i roto i ngā marama katoa o te tau, i roto i te wā tūturu.
Ina tae atu tētahi whakahoutanga kaimahi ki a koe i waenga i ngā wā utunga, ka tāpiritia he tapawhā kaimahi, me ngā rā tīmatanga i runga rawa.
Ka miramiratia ngā pikinga, me ngā hekenga kaimahi i roto i ngā pouaka kākāriki, whero hoki.
Mā te kite i ngā panonitanga i te wā tūturu, ka tae wawe kē atu ngā mōhiotanga ki a koe, e pai ai tō aroturuki i ngā mea kua panoni.
Ka whai whiringa koe ki te tuku atu i ēnei raraunga ki wāhi kē.
I te mata whiwhinga pūtea, tirohia tō whiwhinga pūtea whakahaere matapae.
Kei konei ka kitea ngā matapae mō te nui o te moni ka riro i a koe i ia whāngainga pūtea whakahaere hauwhā.
Hei te tātainga me te whakaputanga o ia hauwhā pūtea whakahaere, ka tāpiritia ki te rārangi o ngā tūranga whāngainga pūtea e wātea ana.
Ka taea e koe te huaki ia hauwhā, kia kitea hoki te wehewehenga o ngā puna i whakamahia hei tātai i ia wehenga.
Ka whai whiringa koe ki te tuku atu i ēnei raraunga ki wāhi kē.
Ka taea hoki te tūhura i ngā momo kaiako i roto i tō āheinga kaimahi.
I raro i te Kaupapa Rauemi Pūmau (Ongoing Resources Scheme),
ka āhei koe kia kite i ngā kōrero whāngainga pūtea mō ngā ākonga tautoko akoranga o tō kura.
Ka kitea hoki e koe ētahi mōhiotanga whāngainga pūtea e pā ana ki ō hononga ki ētahi atu rōpū, tāngata rānei.
I raro i Whakarāpopototanga (Summary), ka kitea ngā utunga katoa kua whakaaetia, kua ea hoki, mā roto o Pourato.
Mā Pourato ka pai kē atu, ka horo kē atu hoki te wātea mai o ngā mōhiotanga āheinga pūtea, kaimahi hoki ki a koe.
Me kī, mā tēnei taonga hou ka ngāwari kē atu, ka horo kē atu hoki te whakahaere i ngā rauemi whakahaere o tō kura.
Kua mutu tō titiro ki a Pourato i konei, ā, e hiahia ana mātou ki te rongo i ō whakaaro.
Mā ngā kōrero ka tukua mai e koe ki a mātou ka ngāwari kē atu tā mātou hanga tautoko, whakangungu hoki mō ngā kura, waihoki tā mātou āta tārei i ngā whakapainga ake hei ngā rā e tū mai nei.
Ka nui te mihi atu ki a koe.
Kia ora koe!
Kia ora, thanks for taking the time to check out this video.
The new online application that will deliver operational resourcing to schools is called Pourato.
Pourato will provide an easy-to-access online and real-time view of your funding and staffing entitlements.
You will be able to log in to Pourato using your Education Sector login.
You’ll use the navigation bar to view your entitlements. Once entitlements have been approved, you’ll get an email notification.
You’ll be able to see the status and outcome of your staffing and funding requests.
Your current provisional roll will be viewable too.
You’ll clearly see a summary of your staffing, also known as your guaranteed-minimum formula.
Staffing and estimated annual operational funding, along with the U grade.
Over on the staffing screen, you can view your staffing entitlement by pay period.
You can view more detail here.
Your staffing entitlements will update, throughout the year, in real-time.
When you get a staffing update between pay periods, a new block of staffing will be added with effective dates across the top.
Green and red boxes will highlight where staffing has gone up and down.
Seeing all changes in real-time, will give you quicker access to information, and help you more easily track what's changing.
You’ll have the option to export this data.
On the funding screen, check out your estimated operational funding entitlement.
This shows estimates of how much money you’re likely to get at each of your quarterly operational funding instalments.
As each new quarter of operational funding is calculated and published it’ll be added to the list of available funding positions.
You’ll be able to open each quarter, to see a breakdown of the inputs used to calculate each component.
You’ll have the option to export this data.
You can discover what types of teachers make up your staffing entitlement.
Under Ongoing Resourcing Scheme,
you can see funding information about your school’s learning support students.
Here you’ll find resourcing information related to your relationships with other parties.
And under Summary, all payments that have been approved and paid through Pourato will be listed here.
Pourato will give you better and faster access to funding and staffing entitlement information.
Ultimately making managing your school’s operational resourcing easier and quicker.
Now that you’ve had a look at Pourato, we want to know what you think.
What you tell us will help us create appropriate support and training for schools and inform future enhancements.
Thanks again. Kia ora koe!