Pourato for Early Learning

Pourato for Early Learning

Funding information for Early Learning


Pourato, the Ministry’s online funding system, will enable early learning service providers to receive funding information from 30 June 2025. This will replace the current PDF funding notices in the Secure Data Portal. Pourato will provide up-to-date funding information and a greater level of transparency between the Ministry and early learning service providers.  

We will be updating this page with information about the launch of Pourato, how it works and details of training, user guidance and other useful information before Pourato goes live on 30 June 2025. 

We will also keep early learning service providers informed through the He Pānui Kōhungahunga | Early Learning Bulletin so that they can prepare and be ready to use Pourato effectively to manage funding for their services.   

Key points

  • Pourato will provide up-to-date funding information for early learning service providers.  
  • Pourato will be accessed at any time by service providers through the Education Sector Login (ESL). Once Pourato is launched, service providers will be able to set up additional logins. 
  • There is no change to how service providers currently submit returns to the Ministry and provide child data through their SMS or ELI web. 
  • There is no change in funding payment dates throughout the year. 
  • Pourato is designed to align with standard business and accounting practice, which is that payment information will show the GST-exclusive amount, the GST amount and the GST-inclusive amount.
  • Notification emails will be sent to the funding contact when a request is received, and before a payment is paid. 
  • The Ministry will be communicating about how to prepare for Pourato and offering training on how to use Pourato before the launch on 30 June 2025. 

Benefits of Pourato

  • Access to up-to-date funding information that does not have a six-month expiry like the Secure Data Portal.
  • Greater transparency of payment details between the Ministry and early learning services. 
  • Easy download of funding details as CSV files, to PDF format or direct printing. 
  • Timely notifications when there is new approved funding to view in Pourato. 

Meaning of Pourato

The name Pourato is made from two parts:

Pou - which means to direct, guide or support, and

Rato - meaning to provide, service or distribute

The name reflects the purpose of the system, which is ensuring education providers have all the resources they need, delivered in the most effective way, so they can focus on helping children thrive.