Pourato training and guides
Helping principals and school business managers navigate Pourato.
- Introduction to Pourato: A four-minute video (available in te reo Māori and English).
- Pourato Visual Guide: Annotated screenshots of key Pourato screens.
- Pourato Workshops: Online sessions with tips and tricks for using Pourato.
Introduction to Pourato videos
Kia ora,
Nau mai – he whakamōhiotanga tēnei ataata hei āwhina i a koe ki te whakatere i a Pourato.
Ko Pourato te pūnaha ā-ipurangi a te Tāhuhu e whakarato ana i tētahi tirohanga o taua wā, māmā ki te torotoro, o ngā whaiwāhitanga whakapūtea me te whakatū kaimahi o tō kura.
Ka whakamōhio atu a Pourato i a koe i ngā wā katoa mā te īmēra mō ngā whakarerekētanga ka whakamahia ki ō whaiwāhitanga.
Takiuru ki a Pourato mā te whakamahi i tō takiuru Rāngai Mātauranga.
Koinei te ripa Nau Mai ki Pourato.
Whai ai ki roto i te pou whakatere ko ngā ripa, ngā rārangi mahi me ngā ripa iti. Whakamahia hei whakatere haere i a Pourato me te rapu i ngā mōhiohio katoa e hiahia ana koe.
Ka taea te tiro ngā rārangi takitaro o nāianei i te ripa Rārangi.
Kei roto i tēnei ko ō whaiwāhitanga whakarāpopotonga kaimahi me te pūtea whakahaere.
Mehemea e whakahē ana koe ki tētahi o ngā rārangi takitaro, e āhei ana koe ki te tono i tētahi arotakenga rārangi – kīia ai tēnei he tono arotake rārangi takitaro.
Ka mutu ana te tukatuka i tētahi tono, ka āhei koe ki te kite i tōna tūnga me te putanga i roto i te ripa Tono.
Pāwhiria tētahi tono ki te whakatuwhera kia kite i ētahi atu mōhiohio.
E āhei ana koe ki te tiro i tō whaiwāhitanga kaimahi i runga i te ripa Whakatū Kaimahi mā ngā wā utu.
Mā tētahi haki koe e whakaatu i te rārangi e hāngai ana ki tō whaiwāhitanga kaimahi.
Ka whakamohoa tō whaiwāhitanga huri noa i te tau ā taua wā tonu.
Ka whiwhi whakahou ana koe ki waenganui i ngā wā utu, ka tāpiria he poraka hou o te tokomaha kaimahi me ngā rā ki runga.
E hora ana ngā whakapikinga i roto i te kākāriki, ko ngā whakaheke kei roto i te whero.
Tēnā, me huri tātou ki te tirotiro i te whakapūtea i nāianei.
Tātairia ai te pūtea whakahaere, ka utua hoki i ia wā hauwhā.
E āhei ana koe ki te tiro i tō tūnga whakapūteatanga whakahaere i raro i te Whakapūteatanga Whakahaere.
Ka whakaratoa he tūtohutanga o te whakapūteatanga whakahaere mō te tau ka whai ake i te wā ka whakaputaina te rārangi takitaro.
Kua whakamiramiratia ngā rerekētanga ki ngā rahinga whakapūtea i te whero, i te kākāriki rānei.
Haere whakararo ki te tiro i tō Whakarāpopotonga Utu Harangote ā-Hauwha.
I tua atu i te whakapūtea whakahaere, tērā pea ka whiwhi koe i ētahi utunga mai i te Tāhuhu e tautoko ana i ngā tauira, ngā kaiako, me te marautanga.
I te wā ka whakaaea te utunga, e āhei ana koe ki te kite i te Whakarāpopotonga Whakapūtea, i raro i te ripa-iti Utunga.
Ki te tā i tētahi mata i roto i a Pourato, pēhia te CTRL + P i runga i te PC, ko te Command + P i runga i te Mac. Kātahi ka whakarite i o manakohanga tā.
I te pātuhi ripa Kaiako, e āhei ana koe ki te kite he aha ngā momo kaiako kei runga i tō whaiwāhitanga kaimahi.
I konei, i roto i te ripa Ākonga, e āhei ana koe ki te kite i ngā mōhiohio whakapūtea e pā ana ki ngā tautoko ako, ngā ākonga ao whānui rānei e whiwhi kaimahi, whakapūtea rānei.
I konei, i te ripa Hononga, ka kite koe i ngā mōhiohio whakarauemi hāngai ki ō hononga ki ētahi Wae Piringa, Kāhui Ako, kaiwhakarato Hangarau, Whakaaetanga Whakawhiti kaimahi rānei whakamahia ai ki te whakamōhio i ō whaiwāhitanga rauemi.
Hei whakamutunga, ko te ripa Whakarāpopotonga.
I ngā wā ka whakaputaina he whaiwāhitanga whakatū kaimahi, whakapūtea rānei, ka whiwhi koe i tētahi īmēra.
Ka whakaatu tēnei ripa i te rārangi o ngā tū mahi i puta ai ēnei whakarerekētanga.
Kua whakaatuhia e tēnei ataata he tīmatatanga ki ngā momo mōhiohio ka kitea i roto i a Pourato e pā ana ki te whakatū kaimahi, te whakapūteatanga me ngā utunga mō tō kura.
Kia waia ake koe ki ngā mōhiohio e wātea ana ki a koe, me mātua whakarite ki te haere ki te pae Ngā Pūnaha me ngā Tautono Pourato.
Māmā noa iho te whai wāhi atu mai i te ripa Nau Mai.
Ngā mihi mō tō mātakitaki mai.
Kia ora,
Welcome – this video is a brief Introduction to help you navigate around Pourato.
Pourato is the Ministry’s online system that provides an easy-to-access online and real-time view of your kura or school’s funding and staffing entitlements.
Pourato will always notify you by email of any changes to your entitlements.
Log in to Pourato using your Education Sector login.
This is the Pourato Welcome tab.
The navigation bar is composed of tabs, drop down menus and subtabs. Use it to navigate around Pourato and find all the information you need.
Your current provisional roll can be viewed in the Rolls tab.
This contains your staffing summary and operational funding entitlement.
If you disagree with a provisional roll, you can apply for a roll review – this is called a provisional roll review request.
Once a request has been processed, you will be able to see its status and outcome in the Requests tab.
Click on a request to open it and view more in-depth information.
On the Staffing tab, you can view your staffing entitlement by pay period.
A banner will tell you the roll on which your entitlement staffing is based.
Your entitlement will update through out the year in real time.
When you get an update between pay periods, a new block of staffing will be added with dates up the top.
Increases are displayed in green and decreases in red.
Let’s look at funding now.
Operational funding is calculated and paid every quarter.
You can view your operational funding position under Operational Funding.
An indication of operational funding for the following year is provided when the provisional roll is published.
Changes to funding amounts are highlighted in red or green.
Scroll down to view your Quarterly Instalment Summary.
As well as operational funding, you may receive payments from the Ministry which support students, teachers, and curriculum.
When a payment is approved, you can see it in Funding Summary, under the Payments subtab.
To print any screen in Pourato, press CTRL + P on a PC or Command + P on a Mac. Then, set your printing preferences.
In the Teachers tab, you can see what types of teachers make up your staffing entitlement.
Here, in the Students tab, you can see funding information about any learning support or international students that you receive staffing or funding for.
Here, in the Relationships tab, you’ll find resourcing information related to your relationships with any Attached Units, Kāhui Ako, Technology provider or staffing Transfer Agreements that are used to inform your resourcing entitlements.
And finally, the Summary tab.
Each time new staffing or funding entitlement is published, you will receive an email.
This tab displays a list of events that have led to those changes.
This video has provided an introduction to the kinds of information you can find in Pourato about staffing, funding and payments for your school or kura.
To get more familiar with the information accessible to you, make sure to visit the Pourato Applications & Systems site.
You can easily access it from the Welcome tab.
Thanks for watching!
Pourato Visual Guide
Workshop Recordings and Q&A
Attended by 1,200 principals, covering key topics for Q1 and Q3 (2024).
- Q1: Focuses on functions relevant to the first half of the year—resourcing cycle, navigation, staffing entitlement, rolls, and key Pourato tabs.
- Q3: Covers functions relevant to the second half of the year—provisional roll, general resourcing updates, rolls, and operational funding.
Questions & Answers (Q&A)
Download questions and answers from the 2024 Pourato online workshops.