Staffing Resource for Structured Literacy Support (Year 0-2)

Staffing Resource for Structured Literacy Support (Year 0-2)

Support information for schools and kura about the Staffing Resource for Structured Literacy Support in years 0-2 application.

This application form is for schools to apply for structured literacy approach staffing that provides additional capacity to meet the needs of their students in the first years of schooling. This staffing is available for schools teaching the New Zealand Curriculum.

This staffing resource should be used to provide additional capacity to meet students’ needs. Allocation of the staffing resource will depend on school equity needs, roll size and the number of applications made.

To apply, schools will meet the following criteria: 

  1. Participation in structured literacy professional development with a Ministry-approved provider or University of Canterbury Better Start Literacy Approach (PLD for structured literacy & te reo matatini approaches – Professional Learning & Development ( This could be Ministry- or self-funded.   
  2. Using structured literacy as core/foundation in teaching reading, writing and oral language in the context of curriculum   
  3. Agree to assigning the resourcing directly to working alongside students to provide targeted, tailored student support to meet student need and accelerate progress. 
  4. Commitment to reporting, monitoring and evaluation as required by the Ministry. We will provide more information about reporting requirements in Term 1 2025.
  5. Commitment to matching the allocation from your own resources.