Pourato, the Ministry’s online funding system, will be the new platform to enable early learning services to receive operational funding information starting from the 1 July 2025 payment. This will replace the current PDF operational funding notices in the Secure Data Portal. Pourato will provide up to date information on funding and will mean a greater level of transparency between the Ministry and early learning services.
We will be updating this page with information about the launch of Pourato, how it works and details of training, user guidance and other useful information before Pourato goes live in July.
We will also keep early learning services informed through the Early Learning Bulletin | He Pānui Kōhungahunga so that they can prepare and be ready to use Pourato effectively to manage funding for their services.
Meaning of Pourato
The name Pourato is made from two parts:
Pou - which means to direct, guide or support, and
Rato - meaning to provide, service or distribute
The name reflects the purpose of the system, which is ensuring education providers have all the resources they need, delivered in the most effective way, so they can focus on helping children thrive.