Important Information for schools | kura


Important Information for schools | kura

'Summary' tab

The 'Summary' tab will help to identify staffing or funding events and updates when a Pourato email notification is received. 

Click on 'view' icon to see the request details.

To search the allowance code abbreviations, visit 'Additional Information' on EdPay.govt.

'Actuals' tab

The ‘Actuals’ tab displays actual rolls for each of the reported number of students in each year level for regular and adult students, MMI (Māori Medium Immersion), Pacific Bilingual and STP (Secondary-Tertiary Programme Students).

If an unexpected year level displays, incorrect actual roll details may have been provided. Contact the Ministry to update.

Finding information in Pourato 

Email notifications

You will receive an email notification when there are updates to your staffing and funding information in Pourato. 

Pourato notifications are sent to the email address you have provided in Education Counts.

Kāhui Ako Responsibility allowance KAHRW

In Pourato KAHRW payroll code is displayed as Kāhui Ako Teacher (Within School).

The Teachers tab will display Kāhui Ako Within Teacher with 0.00 FTTE for teachers who are coded to the KAHRW payroll code. The total FTTE (e.g. 0.08 per WST released) is included in your staffing entitlement, however the distribution of FTTE for individual teachers is unable to be viewed on the Teachers tab in Pourato.

The Teacher Within School component on Your Entitlement tab includes the total responsibility and non-responsibility Kāhui Ako staffing.  

Operational funding for Kāhui Ako Teacher (Within School) including a KAHRW allowance can be viewed when expanding the Kāhui Ako Induction and Networking Allowance (Within) component.

Finding information in Pourato 

Quarterly Operational Funding

Operational Funding is calculated using the latest Actual Roll information you have submitted. Any adjustments required will be made in the next instalment.

For more information and key dates see:

Resourcing - operational funding and staffing entitlements - Education in New Zealand

Entitlement Staffing

Staffing Entitlement is a summary of all staffing components funded by the Ministry - one of which is Entitlement Staffing.

Entitlement Staffing is supported by GMFS (Guaranteed Minimum Formula Staffing), which means the greater of your provisional guaranteed staffing or the confirmed staffing generated by your 1 March roll is provided for the whole year. 

The other staffing entitlement components are not always roll based and may change throughout the year (e.g. Beginning Teachers Time Allowances).

Entitlement staffing – Education in New Zealand

Banking Staffing reports

Your banking staffing report for a pay period (available on EdPay) may not reconcile with what you are viewing in Pourato depending on when a change to your staffing occurs. This is because the information from Pourato is updated on your banking staffing report once a fortnight, which aligns with the fortnightly payroll information. 

Any changes that occur after the fortnightly update will appear on the next banking staffing report.

For more information see Banking staffing - Education in New Zealand

Roll Audit

An approved roll audit will display in the ‘Actuals’ tab and be used to recalculate staffing and funding entitlements.

The audited roll will appear in the Actual Rolls dropdown menu and used to adjust Quarterly Operational Funding.

Schools with an approved March roll audit, will be notified of any change to their Entitlement Staffing.

Finding information in Pourato  

Secure Data Portal (SDP)

Most of your staffing and funding information will now be available in Pourato.

SDP will continue to be used for additional resourcing information not included in Pourato. 

Levy recoveries and tax invoices

All levy recoveries and invoices are now available in Pourato.

  • Public Private Partnership Levy (PPP)
  • Risk Management (RM)
  • Export Education Levy (EEL) 
  • International Student Levy (ISL) 
  • Manual levy recovery plans e.g International Group Students Levy

Finding information in Pourato | Applications & Online Systems (