How Search Parameters Work

Early Learning Information (ELI) Reports

How Search Parameters Work

You can create different reports by selecting search parameters. Not all reports have the same parameters available. 

The search parameter window below offers most of the available options.  

You can find these parameters for the Attendance Report, Booking Report, Enrolment Report and 20 Hours ECE Report. 

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Type in the start date for the report in the Date from field. In the Date to field insert the end date for the report. 

The date you select in the Age group as at field will determine the age of each child you want to include in the report. 

Age Groups

The Age group is a drop-down menu. Select the appropriate option from the list for the report you want to create. 

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Enrolment Type

The Enrolment type field allows you to create a report based on a selection. You can choose between Currently enrolled, Previously enrolled (Enrolment Ended) or All enrolment types (All). 

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