How to use RR&ELS
Guides and manuals
User guides for using the RR&ELS can be downloaded from this page.
How to enter the RR&ELS Student Achievement Data?
Watch this video that explains the steps involved in entering the RR&ELS Student Achievement data including the entry and exit levels, adding/ modifying teacher information and generate a school report.
Welcome to this short video, designed to support you as you enter your students' Reading Recovery and Early Literacy Support achievement data using the new Salesforce platform.
You can refer to the accompanying User Guide for further details.
To enter data you’ll need to use your own Education Sector Login and have the “Reading Recovery School User” role assigned to you by your delegated authoriser.
Begin by going to the applications and online systems page, at:
From the “Schools and Kura” dropdown, choose “Reading Recovery and Early Literacy Support”. Then click the “Log In” button to get to the Education Sector Logon screen.
Enter your username and password and click “Login”.
This will take you to the Reading Recovery and Early Literacy Support knowledge article.
Next, click on the link to get to the main page, where you can begin your data entry.
First, select the delivery year and you’re ready to begin.
The core information from last year’s application will appear in the relevant fields. This information can't be edited.
You can also see the details you’ve supplied about teachers and trainee teachers as well as reading level information.
You can add a teacher or update teacher details here. You may need to do this if your name, or another teacher’s name, were not on last year’s application. You’ll see that your name and email address appear automatically. So, to add yourself as a teacher, simply choose the region you're in and the name of your tutor. If you want to add another teacher’s details, overwrite your details, choose the region and tutor, and click “Save”. This process makes a connection between the teacher and the tutor. If your name is already in the list, you can connect with a tutor by clicking your name choosing the region and tutor and clicking “Save”. This will add the email address of that tutor to your details.
Once you’ve confirmed or adjusted teacher details, or added any new teachers or trainees, you can move on to adding student details.
Click on the link to get back to the main page, and you can begin.
Click on the “Next” button, and then the “Plus” icon.
You can check if a student is already in the system by using the “Contact search” function but usually, you’ll need to enter each student’s name and NSN number.
Note if the student uses a home language other than English.
Choose the age of the student at programme entry and their entry status.
If they are carried over from last year, or have arrived from another school, you’ll be asked to enter their previous information.
For students who have started in the current year choose their entry date, the current year and their entry “Reading level”, “Vocab score” and “BURT score”. And then click “Save” and refresh the page. The student will be added to the list of students.
Continue this process until you’ve entered the details for all your students.
Then click “Next” and “Next” again to finish the process.
You can choose to look at students individually or click on “View All” to see details of all your students and enter their exit level data.
To run a school report, the status of all students in your list needs to read “closed”.
To do this, you’ll need to enter the student’s “Outcome details” as follows.
Choose the student’s outcome from the dropdown.
Hopefully, this is the “Successfully completed” option.
You can write any notes you want to record then enter the exit data.
Their Reading level, Vocab score, and BURT score, the number of sessions and calendar weeks and click “Save”.
You can do a final check and edit any details then choose “Closed” from the “Status” dropdown. And click “Save”.
Click on the link to bring up the main page and you’ll see that all accounts are now closed.
Eventually, when you’ve entered and saved your data, and ensured all students have a “Closed” status, you can generate a school report, which will be shown here.
Note that a “Tutor Report” can be generated even if a student has an “Open” status.
To generate a School Report, click on the tab. Most of the information you see has been generated from your records. You just to enter the number of trained teachers working in Reading Recovery, the total number of Reading Recovery trained teachers at the school, and the number of children who turned six in the current calendar year.
Click “Next” to generate the report.
This message tells you that by clicking “Submit”, these records will be locked.
Click “Finish” and you’re done!
You can find further detailed information and guidance on entering your student achievement data and exporting a tutor report in the accompanying user guide, available in the Applications and Online Systems page.
Thanks for watching!