Submitting your Strategic Plan or Annual Report

Secure Data Portal (SDP)

Submitting your Strategic Plan or Annual Report

Using the Secure Data Portal (SDP) to file submit your Strategic Plan or Annual Report


Once you have logged into SDP, select the drop-down option 'School Planning and Reporting'

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Your report should be a single PDF file.

When submitting your annual financial statements please ensure that this file includes: 

  1. The audited annual financial statements
  2. The signed Statement of Responsibility (signed by the Presiding Member and Principal) 
  3. The Independent Auditor’s Report

Please ensure you scan originals rather than copies when creating the PDF to ensure they are legible.

Submission of financial statements in Excel format

Schools/kura can also upload an Excel spreadsheet version of their annual financial statements via SDP. Please ensure that this is the final audited version of the annual financial statements. Uploading an Excel version of this data will help ensure schools/kura data can be collated in a timely manner. This is optional and is in addition to the required PDF version for the annual financial statements.

The process for uploading the Excel version of the annual financial statements is the same as the above process.