How to get access to ELI Web

Early Learning Information (ELI) Web

How to get access to ELI Web

Anyone requiring access to ELI Web will also require access ELI Reports and choose whether they need access to the RS7 Return Submission rights. To access these applications each user needs to request an Education Sector Account. 

What is an Education Sector Account?

An Education Sector Account is a unique Education Sector Login (ESL) for individuals to access certain Ministry systems (for example ELI Web).  


Education Sector Accounts are used: 

  • to ensure that Ministry systems are secure and the information being accessed on these systems through the use of a logon and password. 

  • to control access to ELI so that information collected on individuals can be kept private and secure. 


Determine if you need an Education Sector Account

Early learning service providers should decide who needs access to ELI Web. This is likely to be an administrator and the service provider contact person. 


Form A: Authoriser/Delegated Authoriser (ESL20)

If you're not an Authoriser or Delegated Authoriser, you can skip this step

The Early Childhood Education (ECE) Service Provider Contact or Delegated Authoriser within your organisation is required to approve access to the Ministry of Education Online Education Services for their employees.

  • The Service Provider Contact should complete Form A to allow the creation of an Education Sector Authoriser’s account for their self.
  • If the Service Provider Contact wants to delegate their authoriser responsibilities to another user, that person should complete the Form A, and have it signed by the Service Provider Contact.
  • Each user must have a separate email address in the Education Sector Login (ESL) System

If you’d like to check or update who your ECE Service Provider Contact person is, or whether an email address is already in use please get in touch with the E-admin Resourcing Support team 
or freephone 0800 323 323 (NZ Only)

Completing the form

Part Who completes this part
Part 1 ECE Service Provider Contact or the Delegated Authoriser within your organisation.
Part 2 ECE Service Provider Contact or the Delegated Authoriser within your organisation.
Part 3 The same person that completed Part 2 must complete Part 3
Part 4 If the Delegated Authoriser completed Parts 2 and 3, then the ECE Service Provider Contact must complete Part 4. If the ECE Service Provider Contact completed Parts 2 and 3, leave Part 4 blank.
Part 5 The person who completed Parts 2 and 3 should provide a complete list of service/license numbers (service IDs) for the ECE services that the Education Sector ECE user requires access to.


Education Sector Form A
Authoriser/Delegated Authoriser Request form (ESL 20)
Authoriser/Delegated Authoriser Request form (ESL 20)

Form B: User Request for Education Sector account (ESL 21)

You may have as many users per ECE service as you require, however each user must complete a Form B and provide a unique email address.

Completing the form

Part Who completes this part
Part 1 The person that requires access to one or more of the Ministry’s online education services/roles.
Part 2 The person that requires access to one or more of the Ministry’s online education services/roles.
Part 3 The same person that completed Part 2 must complete Part 3
Part 4 ECE Service Provider Contact or Delegated Authoriser within your organisation (who completed Part 2 on Form A).
Part 5 The person who completed Parts 2 and 3 should provide a complete list of service IDs/licence numbers they require access to
Education Sector Form B
User Request for Education Sector Account (ESL 21)
User Request for Education Sector Account (ESL 21)

Return the completed forms

  • After you've filled out the appropriate form, send the form to the contact details listed at the bottom of each form or directly to:
  • The ELI team should then provide you with the details needed to log into your account. 
  • If you have forgotten your logon and/or password you can call the Ministry to have your account details sent to you.
    Note: The Education Sector account holder must not share their Education Sector User name or password or let another person use their Education Sector account.

If your password has expired, you can call the Ministry to have your password reset.

Freephone: 0800 ECE ECE (0800 323 323)  (NZ only)


ELI Roles

Role Name Description

Allows a user to access ELI Web to create and enter ELI data in ELI Web.  This includes child enrolments and attendances and staff information.  These users can also complete the ECE return and RS7 return. 

This user will also be given access to the National Student Index (NSI). This allows the user to create and / or assign a national student number (NSN) to each child enrolled at their service. 

For an early learning service, this is likely to be the administrator or service provider contact person. 

ELI Reports Allows an early learning service user access ELI Reports to view, download or print copies of ELI data previously submitted to the Ministry of Education about their children and their service(s). 
RS7 Return Submitter The RS7 Return Submitter(s) has the final oversight of the service's electronic RS7 return (funding claim) and sends it to the Ministry. 
For an early learning service, this is likely to be the funding contact or the service provider contact person.