Pourato online workshops


Pourato online workshops

Quarter 1 workshops

Pourato online workshops for schools | kura held on 27 & 28 March, 4 & 5 April and 9 & 14 May covered: 

  1. Important updates in Pourato and how to apply for staffing increases to respond to roll growth.
  2. How to interpret resourcing information in Pourato and provide useful tips.
  3. Answering questions submitted in the Q&A tab during the workshop.

Pourato workshop video

Resourcing Slides

You can download the full presentation here:  Pourato - Resourcing information for schools | kura.  Links to the relevant pages on the Ministry of Education website have been provided for more information. 

  1. Resourcing Cycle

    2024 Resourcing cycle dates - School staffing cycle - Education in New Zealand

slide - 2024 resourcing cycle

Entitlement Staffing

Provisional staffing (September) provides entitlement staffing for the following year. Actual roll (March) confirms the entitlement staffing level. The roll that generates the greater staffing between the provisional or confirmed on 1 March is guaranteed for the year. 

School and kura staffing - Education in New Zealand

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The Banking Staffing year

Teacher's pay year is pay period 23 (February) to pay period 22 (January of the following year).  Schools | kura should try to achieve a nil balance by pay period 22.

Banking staffing - Education in New Zealand

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Actual Rolls - state and state-integrated schools | kura

Rolls used to calculate operational funding - state and state-integrated schools only. 

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Resourcing Actual Rolls state and state-integrated schools
Power point slide
Power point slide

Questions & Answers (Q&A)

Download questions and answers from the Quarter 1 Pourato online workshops.

Questions & Answers (Q&A)
Q&As from Pourato online workshops.
Q&As from Pourato online workshops.