Evidence of Identity (EOI)

Education Sector Logon (ESL)

Evidence of Identity (EOI)

Education Sector Logon Evidence of Identity Information for ESL users

To use online services or applications ESL users need to register and provide two forms of identification as proof of identity to meet Evidence of Identity (EOI) requirements.

EOI Requirements for an Education Sector Logon User

Users are required to provide two types of Evidence of Identification documentation as outlined below;

  • One EOI document to be provided from the Primary Identification Documents listed below
  • One EOI document to be provided from the Supporting Identification Documents listed below
  • At least one must have a photograph

Evidence of Identity Document Lists

Primary Identification DocumentsSupporting Identification Documents
  • NZ Passport*

  • Overseas Passport (with NZ immigration visa/permit)

  • Emergency Travel Document (ETD)

  • NZ Refugee Travel Document (RTD)

  • NZ Certificate of Identity (issued to non-NZ citizens who cannot obtain a passport from their country of origin)

  • NZ Certificate of Identity (issued to people who have refugee status)

  • NZ Firearms Licence

  • NZ Full Birth Certificate

  • NZ Citizenship Certificate

  • NZ Driver Licence*

  • 18 Card*

  • Community Services Card

  • SuperGold Card

  • Veteran Super Gold Card

  • IRD Number

  • Electoral Roll Record

  • Confirmation of Permit Status

  • International Driving Permit*

  • Student Identity Card*

  • Employee Identity Card*

  • Utility account/bill (e.g. electricity/gas power, telecommunications) with your current address.

  • Steps to Freedom Form

  • Qualifications and professional registration


  • All EOI documentation should be current (not expired) and credible official documents.
  • An organisations Authoriser (or DA) reserves the right to acquire further EOI documentation from the user.
  • Users requesting a change to their given or family name (e.g. by marriage or deed poll) should provide a third document from the Name Change Requirements section below as certification of the name change.

Name Change Documents

If the Evidence of Identity documents provided by the user indicates a name change (e.g. by marriage or deed poll) the applicant should also be advised to provide one of the following documents as certification of that name change:

  • Change of Name by Statutory Declaration
  • Change of Name by Deed Poll
  • NZ Name Change Certificate
  • NZ Marriage Certificate
  • NZ Civil Union Certificate
  • New Zealand Divorce Papers
  • Certificate of Annulment.

EOI Responsibilities for Authorisers or Delegated Authorisers

  • An ESL Authoriser or DA (from your organisation) must confirm they have sighted the original, or a certified copy (certified by a Justice of the Peace, Doctor, Kaumatua, Minister of Religion), of the identification documents individuals applying for an ESL within the organisation. 

  • Documents must be sighted prior to approving a user’s ESL user access and invitation email. 

  • If unsure of the credibility of the documentation provided, the Authoriser or DA are responsible for acquiring further EOI documentation within their own judgement. It is the Authoriser or DA responsibility to ensure they are sighting the most up to date EOI documentation.

  • It is the authorisers responsibility to ensure that the EOI documentation exactly matches the users details in their ESL account (for Online DA see further details on their functions and responsibilities). Authorisers are expected to use an individual’s official name against their ESL account, there is the ‘preferred name’ field for the use of any assumed name. Here is a good practice guide provided by the Department of Internal Affairs for name usage.

See further information issued by the Department of Internal Affairs regarding using documentation as evidence, and securely keeping this documentation