How to get an Education Sector Logon
An Education Sector Login (ESL) account is required to use the applications on this site. The Delegated Authoriser (DA) for your organisation is responsible for sending you an ESL invitation to create your account. If this has not been done, please check with your colleagues, else you can contact the Education Service Desk for support.
Valid evidence of Identity needs to be sighted by your DA for ESL account creation. See Evidence of Identity for further infomation
Specific information for your sector can be found below.
Delegated Authoriser
An ESL Online Delegated Authoriser manages your organisation’s ESL accounts and grants access to education applications and services through the ESL Delegated Authoriser portal. Training is required
The ECE Service Provider Contact, school principal, or tertiary organisation’s CEO (or equivalent) can delegate this responsibility to a staff member, allowing them to approve access requests for Education Sector applications. Training is required.
Download and complete the ESL Form 100 – Delegated Authoriser.
Also refer to the Evidence of Identity requirements section on the How to use ESL: Support for school Delegated Authorisers page.
Specific information for your sector can be found below.
Support and guidance for online Delegated Authorisers
User Access Request
For staff that need to request access to education sector applications, please contact your ESL DA. If unsure who your DA(s) are then please check with a colleague or contact the Education Service Desk.
ESL Invitation Email
Once staff have requested access, the requester will receive an ESL email invitation they will need to accept and complete the email invitation promptly.
If staff don't complete this task your access will expire.
Early Childhood Education
Early Learning Information (ELI)
The Ministry of Education Resourcing Contact Centre provides advice about the Early Learning Information application. For access see:
ELI Reports
How to get access to ELI Reports
ECE Secure Data Portal request (ESL 39) form
If you are a funding contact for your Service Provider and request access to Secure Data Portal to download your funding notices for your organisation, then please complete and submit the Early Childhood Education Secure Data Portal Request (ESL39) Form.
Tertiary Sector
Tertiary applications list
- LNAAT - Literacy and Numeracy Adult Assessment Tool
- Nga Kete - Tertiary Education Commission Secure Portal
- NSI - National Student Index
- NZQA TEOE - Tertiary Education Organisation Extranet
- NZQA - External Moderation Application
- PLD - Professional Learning and Development
- Teaching Council of Aotearoa NZ - ITE Provider Portal
- Teaching Council - Hapori Matatū
- TEC Data Exchange Platform - Tertiary Education Commission Workspace
- Export Education Levy (EEL)
- RS20
- Single Data Return (eSDR)
- Workforce Questionnaires
Note: Access to the NZQA TEOE is not available to your Delegated Authoriser and must be applied for separately.
TEC Industry Training Register (ITR)
For advice on how to get access to the TEC Industry Training Register (ITR) contact the TEC Sector Helpdesk on 0800 601 301 or
Further information about the Industry Training Register (ITR) is available on the TEC website.
Unfunded International Providers (UIP)
Further information about UIP can be found on the STEO page.
For any queries regarding UIP contact
Other Sector Organisations
Ministry of Education staff with a relevant work requirement can have limited access to some Education Sector Applications.
Staff from education sector agencies and their suppliers, with a relevant work requirement, can have appropriate access to some Education Sector Applications. This includes access to non-production environments for integration testing.
Sometimes the business owner of the Application may be required to approve the access request.
For advice on how to get access to ENROL, the National Student Index (NSI), or e-asTTle with an External Co-ordinator role for Ministry of Education Staff, please contact the Education Service Desk.
For advice on how to get access to the Attendance Service Application (ASA) or the School Transport Resourcing Administration System (STRAS) for Ministry of Education Staff, please contact the Resourcing Team.
Once any User has requested access, when they receive an ESL email invitation they will need to accept and complete the email invitation promptly.
How to use ESL: Setting up your user account
If you don't do this task your user access request may not be granted in a timely manner.
For the Attendance Service Application (ASA) and ENROL
To get access to ASA and ENROL as an Attendance Service Provider please fill in ESL 140 form.
Once an Attendance Service Provider User has requested access, if they receive an ESL email invitation they will need to accept and complete the email invitation to set up their ESL account.
For Service Providers
For service providers, access to Salesforce Applications (listed below), can be provided by your organisation’s Authoriser or ESL Delegated Authoriser. If you are not sure who your ESL Delegated Authoriser(s) are then please check with a colleague or contact the Education Service Desk.
Application List
- Construction Management
- Counselling in Schools
- Creatives in School
- Ngā iti Kahurangi
- PLD - Professional Learning and Development
- Pokapū Waka Kura
- Te Puna Ohumahi Mātauranga Education Workforce
- Whiria - Te Ahu o te Reo Māori
District Health Board (DHB) staff
Refer to the ENROL page to request access to the Education Sector Logon and the ENROL Application.